Chapter 11

1 Using dishonest scales is disgusting to God, but accurate weights make him happy.
2 When you are proud, you will be embarrassed, but if you are humble, you will be wise.
3 The honesty of good people will lead them, but the dishonesty of the unfaithful will ruin them.
4 Money is no help on the day of anger, but doing right saves from death.
5 The goodness of a flawless person guides their path, but the evil ones will stumble because of their own evil.
6 The goodness of honest people will save them, but wrongdoers will be caught by their own bad actions.
7 When a bad person dies, their expectations end; and the hopes of unfair people disappear.
8 The good person is saved from trouble, and the bad one takes their place.
9 A fake person with their words can hurt others, but the right people will be saved by knowing the truth.
10 When things go well for good people, the city is happy; and when bad people die, there are cheers.
11 The city flourishes when good people bless it, but it falls apart when evil people talk against it.
12 Someone without wisdom looks down on their neighbor, but a person who understands stays calm.
13 Someone who gossips tells secrets, but a trustworthy person keeps them hidden.
14 Without advice, people fail; with many advisers, they are safe.
15 Someone who promises to pay for another will suffer, but whoever refuses to promise will be safe.
16 A kind woman keeps respect, and powerful men keep wealth.
17 A kind person benefits their own soul, but a cruel one harms themselves.
18 Bad people do tricky things, but those who do right will get a real reward.
19 Doing right leads to life, but chasing evil leads to death.
20 People with twisted hearts are hated by God, but those who follow a straight path bring him joy.
21 Even if the wicked join forces, they will not escape punishment, but the descendants of the righteous will be saved.
22 Like a gold ring in a pig’s nose, so is a beautiful woman who lacks good judgment.
23 Righteous people desire only good things, but the wicked expect anger.
24 Some give freely and gain more; others keep too much and become poor.
25 A generous person will prosper, and whoever refreshes others will be refreshed themselves.
26 Someone who keeps corn for himself will be cursed by people, but the one who sells it will be blessed.
27 Whoever looks for good finds kindness, but whoever searches for trouble, it will find them.
28 Whoever trusts in their wealth will fail, but the good person will thrive like a tree branch.
29 Whoever causes trouble in their home will gain nothing, and the foolish person will serve the wise-hearted.
30 Righteous people produce life-giving fruit; whoever brings others to the right path is wise.
31 Look, good people will be rewarded on earth; even more, so will the bad and the sinful.